- Sector: FMCG
- Reach: Multinational
- Board Gender Diversity: ♂7; ♀5
- Website: www.reckitt.com
- Head Office: Lagos
- CSR/sustainability report: GRI, SASB
- Impact management: Sustainability Desk
Reckitt Benckiser is a hygiene, health and nutrition brands. Their brands include Dettol, Strepsils, Veet, Air Wick etc. Since inception in 1999, they have made over 10 billion in revenues with branches in about 10 countries.
Over the years, the company has shown its commitment towards ensuring a safe and clean planet by launching RB Trees, a forestation project to offset the greenhouse gases created as a by-product of their manufacturing processes. Reckitt has also implemented an environmental initiative called Carbon 20. which aimed to cut the total carbon footprint of its products—from creation to disposal by 20% by 2020. As part of the initiative the company has reduced by 70% the amount of plastic in the packaging of its Vanish cleaner.
Towards achieving a safe planet, they also joined the Consumer Goods Forum and their Plastic Waste Coalition, and they work as part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall stewardship of the company and delivery against strategy, through the executive leadership team with the inclusion of setting values and standards and overseeing sustainability and corporate responsibility. The committee in charge of overseeing sustainability matters for the Group as a whole is the Risk, Sustainability and Compliance Committee (RSCC), chaired by the CEO.

2020 Highlights
In the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Reckitt Benkiser launched the RB Fight for Access Fund to improve access to health, hygiene and nutrition for all.
Also, Reckitt Benkiser was one of the first companies in 2020 to join Amazon in signing up to the Climate Pledge, which commits them to reach net zero carbon by 2040.