The 2014 Report

2014 main report
The 2014 Corporate Sustainable Investor Report

In 2014, we produced a more robust report; an encyclopedia of corporate strategies adopted by companies in the quest for sustainability with support from Accenture and Ernst & Young. The aim of the 2014 CSIR was to show how Nigeria’s sustainability approach and performance has change over the course of time as illustrated by the actions of Nigeria’s leading companies. A total of 59 companies across 7 sectors (to ensure a more qualitative report) was reviewed in the 2014 report.

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Sectors Analysed
The 2014 Corporate Sustainable Investors Report (CSIR) featured 59 organisations across 7 sectors
Construction/Industrial Sector
Customer Goods
Natural Resources
Bekeme Masade-Olowola
CSR-in-Action, with support from Accenture and Ernst & Young, is pleased to present the Collective Social Investment Report: Nigeria 2014.

Through the support and guidance of EY & Accenture, we have created a framework that captures the entire gamut of sustainability, with a particular focus on the overall corporate approach to sustainable development of each of the companies presented in the report.

The task has been a fulfilling one as this year’s report has grown from its humble beginnings as a compilation of the social investment projects undertaken by companies in Nigeria, to a compendium of robust and insightful information on your favourite companies.

To also ensure a more qualitative report, we focused our attention on the sustainability performance of 59 companies across 7 sectors as opposed to the usual 100+ so that we could capture the sustainability performance of key drivers of the Nigerian economy. We, therefore, selected companies based on their experience with non-financial reporting, their annual turnover and the strength of their presence in Nigeria. Collating the information was an extensive process; while a few companies were eager to be engaged and filled out the detailed questionnaire, we encountered some resistance from others, an indication that we are still on the path to fully embracing the internationally recognized need for non-financial reporting.

Bekeme Masade-Olowola
Chief Executive, CSR-in-Action
Organisations featured in the 2014 report showed increase in prioritizing sustainability, with about 20% of companies boasting CSR committees within the Board of Directors, and over 90% housing a unit or at least a designated official who focuses on promoting sustainability.
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