The 2013 Report

2013 main report
The 2013 Corporate Sustainable Investor Report

In 2013, the 3C-Index was introduced into the report, a performance index to measure and rank organisations according to their sustainability performance, against industry and best practise standards. A total of 92 private sector companies were reviewed in the 2013 Corporate Social Investor Report.

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Sectors Analysed
The 2013 Corporate Sustainable Investors Report (CSIR) featured a total of 144 organisations across 11 sectors
Automotive & Transportation
Business Services
Financial Services
CSR Associations, Federations & Global Alliance
Foundations, NGOs & Social Enterprises
Other initiatives & organisations
Bekeme Masade-Olowola
As I like to say “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the religion of corporates and as with major religions, obedience is better than sacrifice.”

To continue with religious analogy, that is not to say that all have not sinned.

Our organization, CSR-in-Action, continually seeks to bring about that change by drawing on all parties from the east and west, diverse tribes and diverse viewpoints in order to bring about cohesive and sustainable development. By reading through this compilation, it is our belief that organisations will learn to behave better by learning from examples set by their peers.In today’s world, the average citizenry have become concerned with the machinations of government and business responsibility. In that stead, businesses have to be responsible, whether by choice or rule, in order to remain relevant and sustainable in the ever changing global economy. Our report empowers consumers, NGOs, analysts and local and international stakeholders to be able to make informed choices about companies they interact with, including knowledge about their social investments, attitude to employees, progress and approach to the triple bottom line.

Bekeme Masade-Olowola
Chief Executive, CSR-in-Action


This compendium on collective social investments in Nigeria is highly laudable. I cannot stress the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders to promote corporate sustainability in Nigeria.

Olajobi Makinwa
Head, Transparency & Anti-corruption Initiatives, United Nations Global Compact

Shinning a spotlight on companies that are leading the social responsibility & sustainability movement in Nigeria - as the Corporate Sustainable Investor Report: Nigeria 2013 does - is an important way to reward pioneers & inspire best practise.

Wayne Visser
Founder, CSR international

We have an amazing opportunity to advance corporate social responsibility to become a catalyst that can launch thousands of young social entrepreneurs who envision a prosperous & socially equitable Nigeria for the generation & generations to come.

Yusi Turell
Executive Director, University of New Hampshire Carsey's Institute Center on Social Innovation & Finance
With the addition of new sectors, browse through the 2013 report for information about what private sector businesses, foundations, multinational organisations and other economic players have been up to between September 2012 and September 2013.
Get the hardcover of the 2013 report

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