- Sector: Oil & Gas
- Reach: National
- Board Gender Diversity: ♂10; ♀
- Website: www.oandoplc.com
- Head Office: Lagos
- CSR/sustainability report: Yes (GRI Standards, SDGs)
- Impact management: Foundation
Oando plc is a leading African exploration, production and development Company with an asset of over 1 trillion naira. The company operates primarily in Nigeria and some other west African countries with up to 300 employees driving its vision to be the premier company driven by excellence and mission is to be the leading integrated energy solutions provider.
Oando utilises an environmental impact assessment that conforms to the laws and regulations that govern the industry through a systematic implementation of Environmental Health and Safety Management System. The EHS Policy outlines Oando’s principles of environmental stewardship, maintaining safe and healthy workplaces in compliance with environmental, health and safety legislation of the industry.
At Oando the Charter for its Board of Directors is part of its Corporate Governance Guidelines, the principles adopted require that the internal stakeholders at all levels of the organisation’s hierarchy are held to the highest standards of integrity wrapped around its values (TRIPP).
Oando states that it supports the global fight against corrupt practices and actively promote anti-corruption initiatives within its business and maintains a Whistle-blowing Policy which provides guidelines for internal and external stakeholders. Oando believes its success as a business depends on this approach as it enables the Company’s stakeholders to have the required level of confidence in their dealings with the Company and enhances its reputation.
Oando plc is committed to contributing to the socio-economic development of communities where it operates by means of job creation to increase the local capacity. These stakeholders are identified as host communities, employees, shareholders, government regulators, vendors, business partners and investors. The company contributed 0.05% of its annual revenue to corporate social responsibility.

2020 Highlights
Through its Adopt-A-School Initiative, Oando via its Foundation commissioned various infrastructure and sanitation projects in its adopted school – Bungha Gida Primary School, Mangu Local Government Area, Plateau State, as well as other completed school improvement projects across its five (5) other adopted schools within the state.
In partnership with OVH Energy, they also improved infrastructural deficiencies in public primary schools by upgrading facilities in its adopted school in Model Primary School, Ekara Onne, Rivers State.