Maersk Nigeria

  • Sector: Transportation
  • Reach: Multinational
  • Board Gender Diversity:  7; 3
  • CSR/sustainability report: SASB
  • Impact management: Foundation

Maersk is a Danish integrated shipping firm that specializes in ocean and inland freight transportation, as well as supply chain management and port operations. Since 1996, Maersk has been the world’s largest container shipping line and vessel operator. By 2020, the corporation has branches and offices in 130 countries, with about 83,000 employees worldwide.

Maersk is committed to doing business in a safe, responsible, and open manner, in line with their Core Values and the principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour rights, the environment, and anti-corruption, as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

CSR Focus Areas
Environmental Management
Economic Empowerment
Human Rights

2020 Highlights

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Centre for Zero Carbon Shipping was founded in June 2020 as an independent, non-profit, cutting-edge research and development centre. The centre, which will bring together about 100 of the best minds in business, academia, electricity, fuel and ship technology, regulatory affairs, and finance, will work to build decarbonisation pathways overviews, accelerate the creation of selected decarbonising energies and powering technologies, and support the establishment of regulatory, financial, and commercial means to facilitate and drive the transition.


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