Learn Africa Plc

Learn Africa PLC
  • Sector: Services
  • Reach: National
  • Board Gender Diversity:  ♂6; ♀4
  • CSR/sustainability report: Nil
  • Impact management: Foundation

Learn Africa Plc is a leading learning resource business with a history spanning over 50 years. The company was established in 1961 as Longman Nigeria – a book publishing firm wholly owned by Longman Group UK Limited, now Pearson Education. The main business of Learn Africa Plc is the publication and marketing of textbooks for the entire gamut of the educational system- nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Learn Africa Plc has a vision to be the leading learning resource company and to employ its resources in a socially responsible manner to provide consistently superior value to stakeholders. As an integral part of the Nigerian society playing varied roles as an employer, partner, taxpayer and competitor, the company is committed to the growth and development of schools and education through the provision of educational infrastructure. The company contributed 0.074% of its revenue to CSR.

The company states that in view of its long-standing commitment to delivering greater shareholder value, it continues to institutionalise the highest standards of corporate governance principles, in recognition of the fact that these form the essential foundation upon which corporate successes are built. The company recognises that corporate governance standards and practices as well as international best practices must be balanced to protect the interest of the shareholders of the company.

Learn Africa’s environmental policy statement serves to demonstrate the company’s responsibility to the environment and the pursuit of world-class vision in all aspects of its operations. The company strives to comply with all present and future environmental laws and regulations and continuously improve the efficiency of its operations to minimise its impact on the environment.

Spotlight Initiatives

The Company through the Learn Africa Education Development Foundation (LAEDF) distributed the books (older editions of our titles recommended for library use) worth about ₦10 million to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps and charitable organisations across the country.

LAEDF is one of the CSR initiatives of Learn Africa Plc, the foremost learning resource company. The Foundation was established in 2012 to among other things, promote learning and encourage academic excellence in the country. The Foundation donates books to the libraries of the schools that produced the best performing candidates in external examinations nationally and across States of the Federation.

2019-2020 Highlights

In 2019, the Company made gifts and donations amounting to ₦775,000.

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