Cadbury Nigeria Plc

  • Sector: FMCG
  • Reach: National
  • Board Gender Diversity:  5; 2
  • CSR/sustainability report: SASB
  • Impact management: Sustainability Desk

Cadbury Nigeria Plc manufactures and markets a range of chocolate malt drink mixes, sweets, powder beverages and chewing gums in Nigeria. The company was established in the 1950s to source cocoa beans from Nigeria for the Cadbury Group; it then branched into re-packing imported bulk products and grew rapidly into a fully-fledged manufacturing operation producing a range of popular Cadbury brands. Cadbury Bournvita is the company’s flagship product which is a brand of malted and chocolate malt drink mixes that has energy and nutritional properties.

The company introduced other Cadbury brands into its range in the 1970s; TomTom, a large black and white sweet for soothing relief; Cadbury Buttermilk, a delicious sweet with a butter and mint flavour; Tang, a popular powdered beverage; and Clorets and Trident, brands of chewing gum. At the end of 2019 business year, Cadbury Nigeria made a net profit of N39, 326, 807.

The company believes in the unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence as the basis for current success and future growth. Issues related to corporate citizenship, social/environmental responsibility and sustainability are included in the consideration of the company’s policies and strategies. Cadbury Nigeria asserts its commitment to the environment by seeking to continuously improve on systems and processes to prevent pollution and minimize the environmental impact of operations.

Bournvita Teachers Award (BTA).
The Bournvita Teachers Award is an annual reward for the best teachers in the country. The annual reward comes with a honour plaque, a GSM phone with a phone sim card, N100, 000 cash prize and one-year supply of Bournvita. Another Bournvita Veteran Teachers Award was introduced in 2004 to recognise the contribution of retired teachers aged 55 years and above.

CSR Focus Areas
Community Development

2020 Highlights

Notable mentions of Unilever’s initiatives in the year under review include:

  • Launch of the Bourn Factor Initiative to enable children from different primary schools across the country showcase their talents, compete, and win prizes for their schools, while raising money towards a social cause
  • Awarding schools across Ogun and Osun states the cash prize of N5 million, for being winners of their Bourn Factor School Talent Hunt Competition, which took place nationwide, in 2020.
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