Axxela Group

  • Sector: Energy
  • Reach: National
  • Board Gender Diversity:  6; 1
  • CSR/sustainability report: Yes (GRI Standards)
  • Impact management: CSR/Sustainability Desk

Axxela Limited also known as ‘Axxela’, is a pioneer indigenous private sector-led developer of Nigeria’s foremost natural gas distribution network. It has a vision to become sub-Saharan Africa’s preferred and fast-growing gas and power portfolio company and a mission to deliver high yield portfolio of investments across the gas and power value chains leveraging strategic partnerships to deliver value-adding energy solutions, whilst facilitating sustainable economic development in specific markets. The group operates in some parts of Nigeria, majorly in Lagos, Ogun, Port Harcourt, and in other African countries particularly in the Republic of Benin and Togo respectively.

The company’s operations span across gas processing, transmission, and distribution, as well as power generation with the overarching goal of spurring the socio-economic advancement of key hubs across sub-Saharan Africa. Axella Limited’s major products are compressed natural gas (CNG) and Pipeline Natural Gas (PNG). The company provides energy solutions primarily through its subsidiaries: Gaslink Nigeria Limited, Gas Network Services Limited, Central Horizon Gas Company Limited, and Transit Gas Nigeria Limited. Axella leverages its operations on 89 employees broken down into 68 permanent and 21 contract staffs. A 13% increase from the previous year.

Axxela is committed to advancing sustainability through business operations demonstrated through its alignment with global sustainability frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The company notes that the engagement and involvement of stakeholders in decision making aligns with the goals and values of its stakeholders’ group, as well as the possible socio-economic and environmental outcomes. The group’s stakeholders are identified as shareholders, employees and management, customers, contractors, suppliers, host communities and regulatory agencies.

CSR Focus Areas

2020 Highlights


Axxela Limited focuses on giving children a solid educational foundation, thus channelling its support towards primary education. Every year Axxela gives out scholarships to primary school students. Other notable mentions include: Scholarships to pupils of Oromeruezimgbu community in Rivers State, Training of interested candidates in a designated maritime school, renovation of the Elegbata Sports Complex to promote sports in the area as a way of discouraging social vices among the youth and the Axxela Book Drive where over 300 books were distributed to pupils to improve literacy, creativity and critical thinking.

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